hi there, how is it been? well, today i'll be sharing with you some facts about the topic "Describing Teachers"
As we know, teachers play a crucial role because they teach, guide, inspire, and help students grow. They encourage thinking, build relationships, and prepare students for the future. In other words, they shape the future generations.
So, let me share some aspects that are taken into account when describing teachers:
1. Teacher's role in the classroom: Controller; leading from the front; prompter, when students forget something, such as the instructions of a task, the teacher is there to remind them; participant, taking an active role; resource, when students ask the teacher’s help; and tutor, when giving feedback about a large project.
2. The teacher as an organizer: Engage → instruct (demonstrate) → initiate → organize feedback.
3. Teachers as performers: Teachers may vary their behavior. The activity that is being developed inside the classroom shapes the way teachers act. For example, if they are doing a role play, the teacher may be supportively.
4. Rapport: “The relationship that students have with the teacher and vice versa”. Some characteristics are: Recognizing students, Listening to students, Respecting students and Being even-handed.
5. The teacher as a teaching aid: Teachers have to convey meaning and instruction through their expressions, body language, and pronunciation.
6. Native-speaker teachers VS Non-native-speaker teachers: Native speakers have strong language skills and cultural knowledge, while non-native speakers understand student struggles and can be relatable role models. Both types of teachers bring valuable strengths to language education, highlighting the need for diverse teaching teams.
So that would be all and thank you for reading me! see you next time a,xoxo.
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