Learning Styles

Long time no see! How is it been? The weather is so hot, isn't! I'd like to be in a swimming pool right now, drinking a cocktail and enjoying the sun; thanks God it's vacay!🍸


This week, we dived into The Learning Styles:

Learning Styles Infographic - Visual Paradigm Blog

The VARK model was proposed by Neil Fleming and Colleen Mills in 1992. Knowing your learning style is important for several reasons:

  1. Effective Learning: It can help you tailor your study methods to suit how you learn best. This can make your learning process more efficient and effective, leading to better retention and understanding of the material.

  2. Time Management: You can focus your time and energy on the methods that work best for you.

  3. Confidence Boost: Knowing that you have a preferred learning style can boost your confidence in your ability to learn and understand new concepts. It can also help you recognize that everyone learns differently.

  4. Improved Communication: It can also improve communication with teachers, tutors, or colleagues. By being able to articulate how you learn best, you can advocate for yourself and ensure that the learning environment is conducive to your needs.

  5. Adaptation: Developing flexibility in your learning approach can help you thrive in various educational and professional settings.

Overall, knowing your learning style provides valuable insight into how you process information best, which can ultimately enhance your learning experience and academic or professional success.

Learning our learning style!

We also did a test in order to know our learning style:


I'm a kinesthetic learner and I agree with my result since I'm always moving around and I also like physical activities. In adittion, I like to listening music when I'm studying and have graphic material to learn new things.

That would be all, thank you!🎈


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